rai-land on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rai-land/art/Retro-Floral-Wallpaper-Pattern-194376388rai-land

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rai-land's avatar

Retro Floral Wallpaper Pattern



I took a freebie from BittBox and created a repeating tile.

Changed it to black and white and made it transparent -- now you can make it any color you want over whatever color you want!

It was a pain! If you look at the original piece you'll see that that the repeating piece is never shown in its entirety. Piecing together to get a whole was problematic because it wasn't really a straight shot so I had to distort the file to fix the perceptive and rotate to straighten.

You'll notice it is not 100% like the original, which if you look closely has a slightly different pattern on the alternating rows but I'm happy with the final!

See Bittbox's original here: [link]


I wish people would comment or say thank you when they download :( Let me know if you use it in anything!

Want more wallpaper tiles? There are more!
2nd: [link]
3rd: [link]
4th: [link]
5th: [link]
Image size
2963x4508px 4.3 MB
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RazorSketches's avatar
Used! <3 Thank you making a wonderful design~

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